--- title: "Theme Configuration Builder" author: "Mohammed Ali" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: TRUE toc_depth: 3 vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Theme Configuration Builder} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ## Overview To help package users in creating valid theme configuration file. ## Add-in Launch The add-in can be launched by one of two methods - Call `periscope2:::themeConfigurationsAddin()` function from within RStudio console - From RStudio add-ins menu ![Add-in Launch](figures/theme_1.png){#fig-1} ## Add-in Layout - The add-in will open as web browser tab - Add-in UI consists of: - Header - Body - Footer - Add-in header that consists of: - Cancel/Done buttons: they are default add-ins buttons and their sole purpose is to close add-in window - Upon Clicking on it, the widget add-in will be closed - Done button functionality can be customized but that is not needed in this add-in - Upon Clicking on it, the widget add-in will be closed - Add-in title between the two buttons is: "Theme Configuration YAML File Builder" - Add-in body consists of 6 tabs: - Status Colors - Sidebar Colors - Sidebar layout - Main Colors - Colors Contrast - Other Variables - Footer: - Download button - No mandatory fields ## Status Colors Tab periscope2 main theme colors are defined with the following status colors, you can use those status in infoBox, valueBox, cards
## Sidebar Colors Tab Sidebar colors variables allow you to change sidebars (left and right) related colors
## Sidebar layout Tab Sidebar layout variables allow you to change sidebars (left and right) width, padding, ...
## Main Colors Tab Template main colors definition
## Colors Contrast Tab These variables allow to customize color used if contrast between a color and its background is under threshold. For example, it's used to choose text color written in bs4ValueBox with background defined by a status
## Other Variables Tab This is an advanced method to add or customize any more AdminLTE or Bootstrap 4 variable in periscope2 generated application theme. - User can add variables to customize by clicking "Add Variable" button - User can remove added variables by adding remove button for that variable - User can search for the theme variable in the selectize input
## Download Button - Function: Download theme configuration yaml file - Label: "Download" ## Downloaded File Name: periscope_style.yaml Format: Value are based on input configuration but output is similar to the following
## Downloaded Configuration File Usage The generated file is used by putting it inside the generated app www folder where it will be located by default * [announcement Module](announcement-module.html) * [Announcement Configuration Builder](announcement_addin.html) * [New Application](new-application.html) * [downloadableTable Module](downloadableTable-module.html) * [downloadablePlot Module](downloadablePlot-module.html) * [downloadFile Module](downloadFile-module.html) * [logViewer Module](logViewer-module.html) * [applicationReset Module](applicationReset-module.html)